A business directory is simply a site or online list of information that lists companies within specific niche categories. Niche is the term given to a particular segment of the market which typically includes a large number of small to mid-sized businesses. The business may also be categorized according to location, activity, size, or industry. Business can also be compiled either manually or via an automated online searching software.

What is a business directory? A business directory is where consumers (visitors) can find businesses in their area. In other words, if I want to buy a camera I would not go to Google, I’d go to a business listing on Google or Yahoo! because they are known to have massive databases of businesses and products. For example, if you wanted to buy a GPS system you could go to yellow pages since they are considered as large databases of businesses or organizations. Even though Google and yellow pages are very popular places for finding businesses they are very different from each other.
Yellow pages contain businesses in a local area. On the other hand, Google is more generalized and global. It contains businesses that are listed on the Internet worldwide. There are a lot of local businesses that are listed on the Internet but they are scattered globally. This is because it costs more to publish these listings globally and it requires specialized equipment to keep them up to date.
What is a business directory? So now we know what a business directory is and how it works. We know what local directories are but we still have to ask: where can we find these directories? Most of the time we can find them in the Yellow pages of a local directory.
What is a business directory? Now you understand what a business directory is. This means that you will have to search for the names of local businesses.
To get the best listings in Yellow Pages you should register your name with them. In some cases you have to pay. They will collect all your contact information and publish a website of their own with the names of the businesses that registered their contact information. Yellow pages usually have millions of businesses listed in their directories so you are guaranteed to find one. But do not rely only on this method; you should also try other methods because there are free directories that are also very popular.
Other directories include nationwide directories as well as international directories. They are very convenient and they are very efficient in their method of listing businesses. Many people prefer international listings than national listings because it is easier to reach the people all over the world and because of this it is preferred by many businesses.
If you are looking for new business contacts you can try joining some social media networks. These are websites where millions of people can browse through profiles and can get a chance to connect with other people with similar interests. The best thing about social media is that it does not cost anything, you do not even need a blog for your profile. You can use your own website or blog for the purpose of submitting your profile and for connecting with others, but social media gives you a chance to create good business networking connections and share your knowledge and information with thousands of people at the same time.
There are also online directories that provide local business directories to the online market. These online directories can help online businesses with their local marketing campaigns. Many online businesses do not have an online presence and they fail to take advantage of their target market. It is always better to reach out to your target market and using an online directory can help you do that.
For example, there are many online directories that offer local business directory services. Examples of these online directories include Yellow Pages, Super Pages, local Yahoo! Directory, Google Business Directory, Angie’s List, Yelp, and others. By using one of these online directories you can get access to millions of local businesses that have their listings on their site. This makes it easy for you to choose among the listed local businesses, research the businesses, make connections, and contact the businesses that interest you.
These listings can be very beneficial to both the new businesses and the old businesses as well. Most people prefer to use the Internet whenever looking for a particular product or service and using these business information sources can definitely make things easier. The best part about using these online resources for your business information is that it is more convenient to use and more often than not, the information provided is accurate and up-to-date. It is definitely better to use online business information directories than the old fashioned yellow pages and the like.